The project: How British black women, who’ve suffered with anorexia, experience being in a romantic relationship.
Project lead: Lauren Duncan
Project supervisor: Dr Daphne Josselin at City University
Summary of research:
This research aims to contribute to a better understanding of how specifically Black women, who have suffered with anorexia, experience romantic relationships. By doing so, we may give a greater voice to this unrepresented population in the context of their illness, romantic relationships and racial or cultural expectations. It will also allow us to provide better support to those seeking help. This is crucial, as those experiencing these problems often feel that professionals focus on the physical manifestations of anorexia at the expense of their underlying emotional difficulties.
This research may inform mental healthcare practitioners of the specific pressures, whether internal, familial, or environmental, facing black women with anorexia; our hope is that the insights uncovered can be factored into their assessments and interventions, and their treatment more attuned and enhanced.
Participants needed: Black women of African/African Caribbean descent aged 20-45 years with experience of anorexia.
Participation includes: An individual interview lasting 60-90 minutes, either online or face to face. The information collected will be made anonymous and kept confidential.
Reimbursement: To show our appreciation for your time, we’ll be able to offer you a £15 Amazon voucher. We will also reimburse your travel expenses if you decide to have your interview face to face.
If you’d like to take part in the research, please contact Lauren Duncan:
To note:
This study has been reviewed and received ethics clearance through the Psychology Research Ethics Committee at City, University of London.
If you would like to complain about any aspect of the study, please contact the Secretary to the Senate Research Ethics Committee on 020 7040 3040 or via email: If you have any data protection concerns about this research project, please contact City’s Information Compliance Team at
- This study includes women who are of dual heritage.
- Participants do not need to have received a formal diagnosis of anorexia.
- For the purpose of this study, a romantic relationship refers to a relationship based on emotional and physical attraction but need not include sexual activity.