Our licensed therapists are ready to help you
Our licensed professional therapists help you understand and manage difficulties such as anxiety, stress, panic and depression.
We are proud to be specialists in the treatment of eating disorders, and can provide expert care with anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder and body image struggles.
Confronting painful feelings can be scary. We provide a safe place where you can express yourself freely to a therapist who will find the right way to help.
Therapists are available now for individuals and couples, adults, and young people.
Who are we?
We’re a team of psychologists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists and dietitians.
Between us, we offer years of experience in a wide variety of therapeutic disciplines. These include CBT, schema therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, compassion focussed therapy, EMDR, and integrative arts psychotherapy.
While we take our work seriously, we hold our expertise lightly. You’ll feel relaxed and comfortable, free to open up and express your feelings without fear.
3 Steps To Get Started
Take the first step to feeling better
Living with an Eating Disorder in your Family
When you suspect your child or family member has an eating disorder, it’s really hard to know how to help them. Your worst fear is that whatever you suggest might just compound the issue further.
Our free guide has been designed to help parents and carers understand what’s going on for their loved one, learn how best to help them, and navigate the treatment options available.
Need help now?
Whether you’re having a tough day, or just want to explore our take on mental health, we’ve got your back. Our blogs contain lots of useful advice, and our free downloads offer straightforward tips on how to make changes now.