Letters to My Eating Disorder

At the start of therapy, we often ask our clients to personify their eating struggles and write “letters to my eating disorder” as both ‘friend’ and ‘enemy’.

This creative exercise is a great way of helping clients better understand not only their attitudes towards their eating difficulties but also the costs and benefits of change.

These letters are powerful, and we are delighted that ‘Royzie’ has asked us to share hers with you here.

[To a binge eating disorder as the enemy]

Dear Binge Eating Disorder,

The amount of take-aways you have caused me to order,
I could line the meals up from the United Kingdom to the French Border.
You have truly made me bankrupt,
why is it my life you choose to disrupt?

Your constant hunger pangs make me feel as if I’m going to erupt.
My belly hangs low, my breast have increased,
My chance of survival severely decreased.
Do you want me to eat myself to death?
Is your goal to see me deceased?
I used to feel like beauty, now I feel like the beast.

With regret,

[To a binge eating disorder as a friend]

Dear B.E.D,

Thank you for the dinner dates.
You’ve become one of my best mates.
I would have never gotten over that boy, if my time with you did not bring me joy.

When I’m empty you fill me up.
With you around I’m optimistic because there’s always a full cup….rum punch, soda, glass of wine,
Since you entered my life things feel just fine.

Yet so many people struggle to understand my need.
They call it gluttony or call it greed.
Despite their comments I continue to feed.
Because when I’m with you I feel complete indeed.

You’re my hobby, while others ride bikes and some may read.
You’re my addiction, whilst some take heroin others speed.
Oh B.E.D you’re my comfort through my pain… my placebo for my brain.
I cannot imagine eating or sleeping without you near.
So many fond memories we do share.

With Love,
Royzie Best.

If you’re struggling with binge eating and would like to learn more about how you can access therapy to help you, please click here to contact us to talk about how we can help you.

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