[Recorded on Instagram 09/11/20 – Read the transcript below. Apologies for the out of sync audio after 7mins 50 seconds, the technology sometimes fails us!] Hi, I’m Dr. Courtney Raspin from Altum Health, and welcome to week five of our viral positivity plan. And while we are still locked down, there are some good things[…]
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[Recorded on Instagram 02/11/20 – Read the transcript below] Hi there. I’m Dr. Courtney Raspin from Altum Health. And welcome to week four of our viral positivity plan. It’s been quite a week, and I know like a lot of you I am struggling to get my head around the news from Saturday that we’re[…]
Positivity Plan Point 3 – Do Familiar Things Differently
Mental Health, Positivity Plan, Therapy Oct 27, 2020
[Recorded on Instagram 26/10/20 – Read the transcript below] Hi there. I’m Dr. Courtney Raspin from Altum Health, and welcome to week three of the Altum viral positivity plan. For the last two weeks, and for the next seven weeks, I’ll be here live at 8:00 p.m. sharing ways to support your mental health while[…]
Why anxiety symptoms rear their ugly heads during times of stress
anxiety, Mental Health Oct 22, 2020
Do you feel your anxiety symptoms increasing? Have you been feeling more irritable than usual, finding it difficult to sleep, or harder to concentrate? There’s a lot going on right now with the impact of COVID-19, so it’s perfectly normal to be feeling anxious or worried. However, if your anxiety symptoms have become all consuming,[…]
Positivity Plan Point 2 – Rely On The People Around You As a Resource
Video Mental Health, Positivity Plan, Therapy Oct 19, 2020
Transcript of Instagram Live recorded on 19/10/20 – Hi everyone, and thank you for joining me for week two of our ten-week viral positivity plan. So, tonight and every week here for the next nine weeks, I’m going to be providing strategies to help bolster your mental health, and more importantly, to answer any questions[…]
Ten Expert Tips for Coping with Difficult Relatives at Christmas
Eating Disorders, Mental Health, Therapy Dec 13, 2019
Difficult relatives at Christmas can really take the shine off the festive season – if you let them. Let’s be honest, we all have that one relation who is really good at pushing all the wrong buttons. Whether they are over-bearing and controlling, overly-critical and self-righteous, or confrontational and challenging, I expect you can easily[…]
How are you feeling about Christmas? Are you excitedly looking forward to the festive season, or are you feeling utterly overwhelmed thinking about how you are going to deal with Christmas anxiety? For many of us, we are so caught up in our quest and preoccupation to fulfil the ‘perfect Christmas’, while also juggling our[…]
My Favourite Grounding Technique: 5-4-3-2-1
Video Children's Mental Health, Mental Health, Popular, Therapy Sep 19, 2019
If you found this video helpful, you might also like our fortnightly emails. Dr Courtney sends her practical advice to our community every other Thursday on a range of mental health issues. It’s quick and easy to sign up, and totally free to subscribe. Find out more. [Here’s the video transcript…] Hi there, it’s[…]
Unhelpful thinking styles are a part of everyone’s thoughts. The technical term for them is Cognitive Distortions, which might also give you a clue as to what they do. Put simply, they distort our thoughts. They’re unhelpful self-statements and judgements. The way that I like to describe them is like wearing a pair of glasses.[…]
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